Выложен Battlefield: Vietnam
Ссылки пока живые, желающие лицезреть игру на своем компьютере торопитесь. http://dsvload.net/index.php?newsid=38220
Cистемные требования:
933 Mhz CPU
Directx 9.0b
3D accelerated GeForce3 64 MB or equivalent DirectX9 compatible videocard
256 Megabytes of RAM
2 GB free hard drive space
(additional space required for Windows swap-file and
DirectX 9.0b installation)
16x CD-ROM drive
Directx 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
MS compatible mouse
1.2 Ghz CPU
Directx 9.0b
3D accelerated GeForce3 64 MB or equivalent DirectX9 compatible videocard
512 Megabytes of RAM
2 GB free hard drive space
(additional space required for Windows swap-file and
DirectX 9.0b installation)
16x CD-ROM drive
Directx 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
MS compatible mouse
Recommended for optimum performance:
2.0 Ghz CPU
Directx 9.0b
Geforce 4 128 MB (Not MX) or equivalent DirectX9 compatible videocard
512 Megabytes of RAM
2 GB free hard drive space
(additional space required for Windows swap-file and
DirectX 9.0b installation)
16x CD-ROM drive
Directx 9.0b Compatible Sound Card
MS compatible mouse